Feed The Facts – An Eating Disorder Awareness Curriculum
Help MOEDA change the conversation about eating disorders and replace it with a conversation of health and compassion. | ![]() ![]() ![]() |
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The “Feed The Facts - An Eating Disorder Awareness Curriculum” is offered for students in middle and high school, school professionals and parents. This complimentary, interactive, and informative workshop is available in-person to public and private schools and businesses and organizations throughout St. Louis, Missouri, and virtually throughout the State Of Missouri. MOEDA is the only eating disorder organization in Missouri providing critical and targeted information through curriculums designed to address this serious and deadly health epidemic.
- Every 52 minutes someone dies from an eating disorder
- 90% of those who have eating disorders are between the ages of 12-25
- 43% report onset of eating disorders between ages of 16-20
- 86% report onset of eating disorders by age 20
- Bullying about body size and appearance is the most common form of bullying in schools
- The mortality rate associated with anorexia nervosa is 12x higher than the death rate associated with all cause of death for females 15-24 years old
Everyone knows someone with an eating disorder. Eating disorders flourish in secrecy and shame. MOEDA is committed to breaking the silence and through education we can de-stigmatize the disease and educate people about eating disorders. Our goal is to create the understanding that eating disorders are serious, complex diseases that require treatment. By doing so, we can prevent the all-to-common chronicity that occurs when this disease remains hidden and untreated.
This program sparks a change in thinking and behaviors. MOEDA believes it is important to drive early interventions which are a proven result in early diagnosis and recovery. Research proves early intervention and prevention education is effective and even saves lives.
Feed The Facts – For Students Grades 6 and Up
Missouri Eating Disorders Association (MOEDA) is offering the “Feed The Facts - An Eating Disorder Awareness Curriculum” for Students — This program educates middle and high school students about eating disorders. Eating disorders are serious, complex illnesses that primarily affect middle and high-school age girls and boys are the fastest growing population.
The presentation is led by therapists, parents and those in recovery so that students can learn the devastating nature of this illness. The students learn what eating disorders are, the myths associated with eating disorders, the signs and symptoms and how to get help or help someone that might be suffering. Through this workshop, the students are empowered to take an active role in their own health and advocate for anyone that might be struggling. During the 2019-2020 school year MOEDA presented to 26 schools and to over 7,700 students, prior to school closings due to COVID-19. The projected numbers for 2019-2020 were 306 presentations at 36 schools to over 10,000 students. This presentation is offered virtually and in person.
EmBODY YOU - For Students Grades 3-5
Love Your Selfie – An Eating Disorder Awareness Curriculum for 3rd -5th grade students on Positive Body Image. This new pilot program will start during the 2021-2022 school year in public and private elementary schools in the St. Louis area. This in school or virtual curriculum will be a collaboration between MOEDA and the school staff. This presentation is age appropriate, interactive and informative with the focus on positive body image, the benefits of a positive image, what influences body image, social media effects on body image and how to improve your body image. The purpose of this curriculum is to end negative body image, create body acceptance and body appreciation for what our unique bodies do for us. This conversation is led by trained volunteer presenters.
Feed The Facts – For School Professionals
The Feed The Facts – Eating Disorder Awareness Curriculum for school professionals is designed to educate teachers, coaches, nurses and school counselors. It is important for the school professionals to be educated in eating disorders. During the Feed The Facts presentations we urge students to tell a someone at school if they are concerned about themselves or a friend. The presentation for school professionals educates the staff on how to best handle this conversation and navigate the process of getting the student help and navigating the communication with the family.
The presentation is led by a licensed eating disorder professional and includes what eating disorders are, common myths, the emotional, behavioral and physical signs of an eating disorder specific to a school setting. School strategies for assisting the student and guidance for an education plan for students in treatment. We discuss parent and school communication and strategies to be successful in the student and family intervention and how to support recovery.
Feed The Facts – For Parents
Education is always the greatest tool parents have at their disposal. But, education regarding eating disorders is not always readily available because this disease is surrounded by myths, stigmas and secrecy. We know it is important that parents are knowledgeable about any illness that can occur in their child, especially when the statistics regarding eating disorders and teens is so overwhelming. VIRTUALLY ONLY
The Feed The Facts presentation for parents is led by eating disorder professionals and parents who have experienced the journey of an eating disorder with their own child. The presentation includes facts about eating disorders and risk factors. The emotional, behavioral and physical signs and symptoms along with valuable statistics.
The workshop discusses the first steps to getting help, how to support and talk to your child about eating disorders. We include levels of care guidelines, how to find treatment, questions to ask the treatment provider and resources for help.
Adolescent Statistics
Over 80% of 10 year olds are afraid of being fat
- Over 50% of teen girls and 30% of teen boys use unhealthy weight control behaviors
- Adolescent girls who diet frequently are 12x more likely to binge eat as girls who don’t
- 53% of 13 year old girls are unhappy with their bodies
- 78% of 17 year old girls are unhappy with their bodies
- By middle school 40-70% of girls are dissatisfied with 2 or more parts of their body
- 46% of 9-11 year olds are “sometimes” or “very often” on diets
- 82% of their families are “sometimes” or “very often” on diets