At MOEDA we realize that navigating the insurance process can be both frustrating and time consuming to those seeking eating disorder treatment.
Insurance Resources
The Missouri Eating Disorders Association (MOEDA) understands that insurance companies continually deny or cut short treatment services. Missouri is the first state to expand insurance coverage for eating disorders. Effective January 2017, Senate Bill 145 explicitly states the types of eating disorder treatments insurance providers must cover. The new law builds on the mental health parity law by expanding the definition of “medically necessary” to include mental health treatment. It will also ensure that weight no longer serves as the sole determinant for whether someone may continue treatment.
To read the Senate Bill 145 Summary click here:
To read the entire Senate Bill 145 click here:
To contact the Missouri Department of Insurance click here The downloadable guides are available to help you and your loved ones.
COBRA Rights Checklist
| Sample Letters For Insurance Companies
How to Manage an Appeals Process
| Securing Eating Disorders Treatment